Potato Makes use of, Treatments, Qualities


By Dr Renita D’Souza


Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a well known meals crop cultivated worldwide. Generally generally known as White potato or Irish potato. Potato being steady meals, it additionally possesses medicinal values. Fruits are usually not appropriate for consumption because it accommodates the poisonous alkaloid solanine. Potatoes are wealthy supply of starch and this potato starch types an adulterant of superb flours and starches. Potatoes additionally type an vital supply of alcohol. 

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Botanical Identify – Solanum tuberosum
Household – Solanaceae
Synonyms – Solanum andigenum, Battata tuberosa, Lycopersicon tuberosum (L. Mill.), Parmentiera edulis

Medicinal Qualities

Style (Rasa) – Madhura (Candy)
High quality (Guna) – Guru (heavy to digest), Ruksha (dry)
Efficiency (Virya) – Shitha (chilly)
Motion (Karma)
Vishtambhi – causes bloating
Srishta Mutra Mala – helps in formation and expulsion of urine and stools.
Durjara – Troublesome to digest
Raktapittanut – helpful in rakthapitta (bleeding problems)
Balya – promotes energy
Vrishya – Aphrodisiac

Impact on Tridoshas
Kaph-anila kara – Will increase kapha and vata dosha

Half Used

Tuber, Leaves

Botanical Description

Solanum tuberosum is a perennial bushy herb that grows as much as 60 cm in peak. Leaves are pinnate with a single terminal leaflet, leaflets normally 5-9, massive, ovate with smaller leaflets in between. Flowers white, pink, crimson, blue or purple with yellow stamens. Fruits are spherical to ovoid berry, 2-4 cm in diameter, inexperienced color, every containing 300 seeds. Rhizomes originate from basal stem nodes beneath the bottom with as much as 3 rhizome per node.


Solanum tuberosum is a local of America and was introduced into India by the Portuguese. It’s cultivated world wide. It’s best grown in cool climates.

‘Potato Meal’

Mueller (L. Klin. Woch) recommends potato meal to infants.

Potatoes are properly washed, cleaned and sliced.
These slices are then dries at a low temperature not exceeding 400C.
Slices which include hulls are powdered, roasted barely at 500 to 550C temperature.
At this temperature conversion of starch into dextrin takes place.

This powder accommodates pure constituents equivalent to minerals, albuminoids and nutritional vitamins.
Reference – Indian Materia Medica, Vol 1 By A.Ok Nadkarni

Dietary Values

Solanum tuberosum consists of starch and wealthy in mineral equivalent to potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur and copper. Nutritional vitamins current in potato are beta-carotene, vitamin A, C, B1, B2, B6, and folic acid.


  1. Poultice ready from potatoes boiled in water is used to boiling potatoes in water is utilized in rheumatic joints, swellings, pores and skin rashes and haemorrhoids.
  2. Paste of raw potatoe is utilized in burns and scalds as a soothing plaster.
  3. Potato pores and skin is utilized in burns and swollen gums.
  4. In Constipation, boiled / steamed potato consumption will assist in formation of soppy stools and its straightforward expulsion. If consumed in extra it could trigger flatulence.
  5. Uncooked potato juice is used to deal with gastric and intestinal ulcers.
  6. Potato slices are saved over eyes to deal with darkish circles.
  7. In continual cough, leaf extract is used. It acts as antispasmodic.

Pharmacological Actions

Solanum tuberosum possess Antioxidant, Anticancer, Antiallergy, Antibacterial, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Weight problems and Anti-Ulcer Exercise

Medicinal makes use of

Anaemia – Potatoes are wealthy iron and folic acid; therefore it may be useful in Anaemia.
Burns, Rashes – Because of its soothing property, potatoes utilized externally will be useful in pores and skin irritations.
Gastritis, Colitis, Intestinal ulcers – It possess anti-ulcer and therapeutic properties.

Chemical Constituents

Solanum tuberosum possess phytochemicals equivalent to phenolic acids, flavonoids, phytates, folates, anthocyanins and carotenoids.


Aaluka and its varieties talked about in Bhavaprakasha Nighantu, is taken into account to be that of Dioscorea species.


In response to Bhavamishra, there are 6 kinds of Aaluka
1. Kaashtaaluka – Tubers are arduous. In Hindi it is named Kataalu
2. Shankhaaluka – white in coloration. Generally known as Shankaalu in Hindi
3. Hasthyaaluka – Massive in dimension
4. Pindaaluka – Globular in form. Generally generally known as Suthani or Pindaalu.
5. Madvaaluka – It’s candy in style and outter floor is furry. It is named Deerg suthani in Hindi
6. Raktaaluka – It’s crimson in coloration. Generally it is named rakthaalu, rathaalu / rathanda.

Sanskrit Versus

References for Aluka in Ayurveda Briyattrayis

Acharya Charaka talked about potato as most unwholesome among the many tubers. (C.S Su 25/39).
Aaluka (Potato) is talked about one among the many shaaka varga (Vegetable) – (C.S. Su 27/98)
Acharya Sushrutha and Vagbhata have additionally talked about this plant in S.S Su 46/298 and A .H Su 6/93 respectively.

Classical Categorization

Bhavaprakasha Nighantu – Shaaka varga

Scientific Classification

Kingdom – Plantae
Subkingdom – Viridaeplantae
Division – Tracheophyta
Subdivision – Spermatophytina
Class – Magnoliopsida
Order – Solanales
Household – Solanaceae
Genus – Solanum
Species – S. tuberosum

Vernacular Names

English Identify – Potato
Sanskrit Identify – Golakandah
Hindi Identify – Alu
Gujrati Identify – Papeta
Bengali Identify – Golalu
Marathi Identify – Batata
Malayalam Identify – Urulakkilan
Kannada Identify – Batate, Alugadde
Konkani Identify – Botate
Tamil Identify – Urulaikkizhangu, Urala-kalangu
Telugu Identify – Bangaaladumpa, Urlagadda
French Identify – pomme de terre
Portuguese Identify – Batata
Spanish Identify – Papa
Germany Identify – Kartappe

Sanskrit Synonyms

Aaruka, Aarooka, Veerasena, Veera, Veeraaruka, Aaluka

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