The reason why one ought to take correct amount of meals?


Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

We all the time have a doubt as to what’s the supreme amount of meals.

Ideally suited amount of meals will depend on a lot of elements and differs from individual to individual. Structure of people, consuming habits and geography (habitat) of the persons are the elements which must be thought of to determine the perfect amount of meals.

So the amount of meals is furthermore ‘individualized’ and is extra private.

On this context once we discuss ‘matra yukta ahara’ i.e. ‘correct or supreme amount of meals’, we’re discussing it from a given particular person’s perspective and never ‘extra common’. However the rule is identical for every particular person and is relevant for the amount of meals which they take and which fits them in order to maintain their well being in a state of steadiness.

So, the perfect amount of meals for a given particular person can also be a ‘wholesome amount’ for a similar particular person.

Want for taking meals in correct / supreme amount – what Ayurveda says?

Ayurveda all the time advocates consumption of meals in correct amount.

मात्राशी सर्वकालं स्यान्मात्रा ह्यग्नेः प्रवर्तिका।
मात्रां द्रव्याण्यपेक्षन्ते गुरूण्यपि लघून्यपि॥अ.हृ.सू.८/१॥
mātrāśī sarvakālaṃ syānmātrā hyagneḥ pravartikā|
mātrāṃ dravyāṇyapekṣante gurūṇyapi laghūnyapi||a.hṛ.sū.8/1||

Grasp Vagbhata says that one ought to eat solely the correct amount of meals always and in all given situations.

What’s the purpose why this must be achieved?

Consuming meals in the suitable amount is necessary as a result of it’s this meals (i.e. proper amount of meals) which all the time kindles (prompts) the agni i.e. digestion energy of a person.

Additionally, the meals substances rely on the ‘specified amount of consumption’ i.e. to get digested correctly, the meals rely on the desired amount of consumption. This rule applies for each, guru dravya i.e. heavy to digest meals (meals that are tough for digestion) and laghu dravya i.e. mild to digest meals (meals which may be simply digested).

Now, wanting deep into this context we will conclude that one must all the time eat meals in correct amount, the one supreme for her or him, in situations of each well being and illness.

The phrase sarvakalam signifies {that a} correct amount of meals ought to all the time be consumed and it’s necessary. This additionally displays the unsaid half i.e. consumption of correct amount of meals shouldn’t be occasional or as and when potential. It must be by alternative, all the time, all instances and in all situations and one ought to get habituated to this rule. It’s all about coaching ourselves and our intestine and never deflecting from regular proportions.

Matra hello agneh pravartakah – Right here we will see that the grasp has confused upon the truth that ‘solely that meals taken in correct amount will enrich the digestive fireplace’. The unsaid that means is – ‘meals taken in lower than or greater than the correct (supreme) amount of meals will fail to kindle the digestive fireplace’. Much less meals is not going to fulfill the hearth and extra meals will dilute the energy of the hearth. So, one ought to all the time eat meals in regular and correct portions.

Additionally the grasp tells that each types of meals i.e. heavy and lightweight meals rely on the amount of meals. This implies to say that each sorts of meals must be consumed in correct portions to get correctly digested. It’s not like we must be aware in regards to the amount of heavy meals and be informal about lighter meals. We must be critically aware in regards to the amount of each sorts of meals. Even lighter meals when consumed in giant portions would possibly turn into a troublemaker. The abdomen doesn’t digest giant portions of meals simply simply because they’re mild in nature. Right here too we have to observe that the ‘amount of meals’ performs a serious position and is a major consideration.

Matra Pramana – technique of taking heavy and lightweight meals, Definition of correct amount of meals

गुरूणामर्धसौहित्य लघूनां नातितृप्तता।
मात्राप्रमाणं निर्दिष्टं सुख यावद्विजीर्यति॥अ.हृ.सू.८/२॥
gurūṇāmardhasauhitya laghūnāṃ nātitṛptatā|
mātrāpramāṇaṃ nirdiṣṭaṃ sukha yāvadvijīryati||a.hṛ.sū.8/2||

Guru Ahara (heavy or laborious to digest meals) – The amount of heavy meals is ‘ardha sauhitya’ i.e. they need to be consumed to half of 1’s most (abdomen) capability is achieved i.e. till half satiation is achieved.

Laghu Ahara (mild to digest meals) – The amount of sunshine meals is ‘na ati triptata’ i.e. they need to be consumed until one is just not too / completely satiated. One ought to cease consuming mild meals when the abdomen is just not but full.

Matra Pramana (correct / proper amount of meals) – The right / supreme amount of meals for a given particular person is ‘sukham yavad vijiryati’ i.e. that amount of meals which undergoes digestion simply (with out inflicting any bother).


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